Thursday, December 13, 2007

Safety and Your Baby’s High Chair

You want your baby to be safe. This means looking closely at the things you buy for your baby. One thing your baby will need is a high chair. Your baby can start to use a high chair when he is able to sit up and is ready for solid food. Here are some tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on choosing a high chair and using it safely.

Choosing a high chair:

• High chairs should have a waist strap and another strap that goes between the legs.
• The straps should not be attached to the tray.
• The tray must lock securely.
• A buckle-on waist strap should be easy to use.
• High chairs should have legs spread far enough apart at the bottom so that they do not tip over easily.
• Look for a locking device on folding high chairs. The lock keeps the chair from collapsing.

Using a high chair:

• Always buckle your baby in. The straps keep your baby from falling or sliding under the tray, where he could be hurt.
• Never leave your baby alone when he is in the high chair.
• Lock the tray securely in place.
• Be sure that your baby’s hands are out of the way when you lock the tray.
• Be sure there are no sharp edges that could cut your baby.
• You may give your baby something to play with on the high chair’s tray.