Thursday, December 13, 2007

What’s It Like To Be Five Months Old?

How I talk:

• I like to watch other people make sounds. I try to make new
• sounds on my own.
• I may say sounds like “ah-ah-ah,” “ee-ee-ee” and “oo-oo-oo.”
• I may babble to get attention.

How I grow:

• I can sit with support.
• I explore my world with my eyes, fingers and mouth.
• I reach for things when I see them and am able to grasp them.
• When I’m lying down on my tummy, I can push myself up with my arms. At the same time, I can turn my head to look around.
• When I’m lying on my back, I may touch my feet and may play with my toes.
• If you hold me under my arms, I like to stand and move my body up and down.

What I understand:

• I know my name when someone says it.
• I can tell the difference between strangers and family.
• I know familiar objects like my toys.
• I am discovering parts of my body.

How I respond:

• I like to watch other people’s faces.
• I like to smile and talk to myself when I’m looking in the mirror.
• I smile and make noises when I see a person.
• I may stop crying when someone talks to me calmly and softly.
• I may cry when someone leaves or when someone takes an object away from me.